If file is not found, you can leave a message below.
- Download cnc-ultimate-collection-launchers.zip (下載這個檔案並執行)
- Extract and execute C&C Ultimate Collection Launchers Setup.exe
- Download DDWrapper (下載這個檔案,解壓縮到Origin RA2的資料夾)
- Extract to
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II
- Open aqirt.cfg and change following parameter 0 to 1 (在RA2資料夾裡面修改aqirt.cfg)
- RealDDrawPath = AUTO
- BltMirror = 1
- BltNoTearing = 1
- ColorFix = 1
- DisableHighDpiScaling = 1
- FakeVsync = 0
- FakeVsyncInterval = 0
- ForceBltNoTearing = 1
- ForceDirectDrawEmulation = 1
- NoVideoMemory = 1
- SingleProcAffinity = 1
- ShowFPS = 0
- Change following exe compatibility to winXP SP3 (將底下exe改成如下設置)
- RA2.exe
- RA2MD.exe
- game.exe
- gamemd.exe